We have moved way beyond just growing flowers…

When we started farming in 2012, I never dreamed I’d design wedding flowers or have an online store for dahlia tubers and plants. I didn’t plan to host years of Dahlia Camps or Dahlia Festivals with thousands of guests. I didn’t imagine expanding Triple Wren into another country so that our customers there could buy dahlias in their own currency and have their dahlias shipped from a farm in their own country. I never pictured us paying a significant portion of our sales to hybridizers to make sure they’re rewarded for their creative work! But now this work is at the heart of what we do.

When I was a new business owner, I mistakenly thought businesses that often refined their business models were weak and unstable. Here’s why I was completely wrong:

I’ve learned that the most successful people are agile, don’t easily get “stuck in a rut,” and are not afraid to pivot when life changes or when they identify ways to better chase their dreams! Smart humans (business owners included) regularly assess what they do AND why they do it.

Are you standing at a crossroads, feeling the pull to explore something new? If so, I want to encourage you to take a deep breath and explore the next steps. The adventure ahead just might be bigger than you ever imagined!

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